Replacement for iview media pro mac
Replacement for iview media pro mac

Same with Photo Supreme, I export JPEGs, verify the DB (import) and the group them in a Portfolio (Photo Supreme term). These are only for reference in the DAM (Aperture). LR, CaptureOne are also proprietary. When I use DXO with Aperture, the virtual versions ( DXO terminology for non destructive edits) are exported as JPEGS and imported into Aperture and stacked with the original. That info is in Apples format in it’s DB (proprietary). When migrating from Aperture, your edits will not convert. I’m currently using Aperture as my DAM until i finish testing. A modular solution.I’m looking for something else besides an all in one solution. I’m probably going to use this as a front end, file system in the middle, DXO, maybe Photos or any other app to process the image in the back. So DAM ––File System -– Image Processing App(s) and back thru the system to the DAM. One thing, I’m using a referenced file system in Aperture. Don’t know how it handles a managed DB. (workflow may be different for LR, PShop etc). High amount of granularity, filtering, has a scripting language. Go to Photo Supreme, verify the directory in the file system, asks you to add changes. Add your image processing app to the interface. I use DXO, click on the RAW, click on the DXO icon I’m in the same directory in DXO.

replacement for iview media pro mac

Has a menu item for importing Aperture library. You can add your program to it’s interface. It’s a DAM - keeps keywords, ratings, color keying, some smart album data. XMP sidecar files, you will have no problem importing into either IMatch or PhotoMechanic.Another option - Ive been testing Photo Supreme ( WP/?page_id=20). I have not used iView, but if it can save metadata as. Even if you keep iView going in the short term, the time will come when there will be file formats that it cannot read.

replacement for iview media pro mac

I would definitely look at migrating from iView sooner rather than later, and I agree that the Capture One asset management capabilities are not very good (as well as expensive). I don't know whether either of them will have Black Friday deals. It is still in beta, but I expect it will be very good once it is finished, and again the developers and other users are very supportive about helping via the user forums. PhotoMechanic is also developing an asset management version. Definitely worth a look, as far as I am concerned.

replacement for iview media pro mac

The developer, Mario, is very good about answering the most basic of questions and there is a supportive user forum. There is a significant learning curve to it, but it is incredibly powerful if you take the trouble to learn it, but it also works out of the box (as it were). I would recommend that you have a look at IMatch by.

Replacement for iview media pro mac